Monday, May 12, 2014

Suffering is Not a Competition

Recently, I was on the phone with my friend Evan and believe it or not we had a pretty intelligent conversation that stuck with me and kept me thinking. We started talking about how it has become a competition to see what people have gone through more suffering. When people begin talking about how terrible their life is, another person has to jump in and add their terrible news and try to make their news seem even more terrible. 

The point of this whole "competition" is to be the center of attention. To prove that you're suffering more. But its not about who's gone through more hardships or who's been hurt worse, its about getting the most attention. It's something that I personally find disgusting and I'm definitely guilty of doing it. 

The real reason we got on this topic was because of the talk of religion. How the Jews have been persecuted so many time throughout history but the only persecution and mass murder of Jews that anyone ever remembers is the Holocaust. The numerous other terrible times for the Jews are always forgotten because they're not as recent. 
You can't rely on one piece information to back up your argument and the Holocaust should not be a reason for you to be the center of attention. 

(I know this was a little all over the place but I feel like I covered what I wanted to and that's all that matters.)

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