Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dear Hamas

Dear Hamas,

I hate you. Your ability to turn Jewish people against their own state is repulsive. The images you show of Palestinian women and children severly injured or murdered just as an attempt to get sympathy and corrupt the minds of people all over the world is disgusting. You make it seem like its not your fault these innocent human beings are targeted when in reality, you use them to protect the bomb and missiles meant for populated areas in Israel, yet we're the ones to blame for retaliation and for trying to protect the land we love. Have you ever warned the citizens of Gaza about a possible missle or bomb landing in their area? No. Have you ever let called YOUR citizens warning them to leave so they may protect themselves and their families? No. Have you ever taken in a wounded Israeli soldier to your hospitals to help him survive his injuries? No. Yet why is Israel getting all the heat for protecting its citizens? We warn Israeli's with a siren to give them time to get to a bomb shelter, we've called your people, the Palestinian Citizens of Gaza, warning them of future attacks near them and we have suggested they flee, we have taken in YOUR people, Hamas terrorists, into our hospitals to be under our care yet Israel is still the bad guy. Throughout Operation Protective edge, you have sent out tons of propoganda saying that your citizens are dying, showing videos and pictures, some of which aren't even from this year or from the middle east. You use clips from movies as a disgusting act to gain not only support but attention. I am sick and tired of people defending you, a terrorist organization that has been in power way too long, instead of Israel, a country dedicated to making inside its boreders the safest place for Jews who seek shelter from opression and anti-semitism.
Palestinians can complain all they want about you, but one thing people have to remember is that they elected you into power in 2006. It is not our fault you were given a position in government and the power to do whatever the hell you want with your people. None of this is Israel's fault. Its all on you.

Not your biggest fan.

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