Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Minecraft is Better than the Peace Talks.

As you might know, recently there have been some serious peace talks about whether or not there should be a two state solution. One state being Palestine and the other, of course, being Israel. Well, those peace talks haven't been going so well. Not much has been done to improve the relationships between Israeli's and Palestinians.

Until now.

Uri Mishol has been working on a project called Games For Peace where he connects students from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and other Arab countries over Minecraft, a game that in my opinion is well worth spending hours playing. (If you don't know what Minecraft is heres a link to the wiki page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Minecraft_Wiki )
The idea has been very successful in connecting teenagers to each other and getting them to talk to each other about kid stuff and nothing very political. 

It's truthfully a wonderful creation because you really must put into consideration that in around ten years, these kids and young adults could be running these countries and the peace agreements will be in their hands. Teaching them that their countries enemies are not every single Palestinian or Arab or Israeli can help the future relationships in the middle east. We may not reach peace today or tomorrow, but with this new generation it's all very possible to happen in the near future.

If you're interested in the article: http://www.timesofisrael.com/can-games-succeed-where-diplomacy-fails/

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