Monday, February 3, 2014

One Week- February 3, 2014

It has really been one whole week already. This is kinda a crazy thing to think about. 

I have lived at Tzuba for an entire week yet it feels like I've know the people here for my whole life already. I really love them all. We are truly like a family. I've been getting so much more help on my homework here from not only teachers but friends! What a concept. Someone my age coming to help me with homework every night. I have never really appreciated being in the same class as someone until now. 

I'm still getting into the routine of actually doing homework, but I'm definitely not procrastinating as much as I used to which is very exciting for me and my grades. Having someone to come over every night to help with homework and to keep me on task is extremely helpful. (Thanks Sam!)

I can already feel myself learning more and more everyday. Whether it be about Jewish History, Hebrew, or even any of my general studies. Of course I really miss all of my teachers from Deerfield. Quite a lot actually, I'm still learning. And learning very fast. Instead of doing one unit over the course of a few weeks, we do one unit in either a day or a week. It moves fast but its still very easy and the work load doesn't overwhelm me. (Well, at least it hasn't yet.) I'm just so glad to be having this phenomenal opportunity and having the ability to still keep up with my friends back home.

I would also like to say CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK TO JASON BROWN AT THE WINTER OLYMPICS IN THREE DAYS! SK8 GR8! So sorry I couldn't meet up with you at the airport yesterday, but considering where I am I know you understand. I love you and Bhatzlacha b' Sochi! <3


  1. Jenna - I went to school with your Mom at Deerfield. My son was in Spain last year for a semester....take advantage of all the trip offers. Do things, eat things, try things that you would never ever do back home. This is a once in a lifetime awesome thing so take full advantage. Be safe, have fun!!!!

    1. sorry Andi - don't want you to think I am a creeper....the comment was from me - Lynn Rouse Cirrincione

  2. So wonderful to be able to follow your adventure. You Mom is so proud.

  3. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Rick are so proud of you and hoping you have a wonderful time in Israel. I'm sure it's changed a lot since I was there in 1976 so be sure and bring back lots of memories and pictures to share.
