Saturday, February 1, 2014

The First Tiyuul - January 31, 2014

I don't think I've ever loved a history lesson more in my life. 

We went to on a field trip (tiyuul) for the first time. To an archaeological dig. Not only did we get a chance to dig to find 2000 year old pieces of pottery but we also go to visit grave sites from around the time of the first temple and then around the Byzantine era. The differences in the two were incredible. I have never felt more intrigued in history. Israel is one of those places where everything around you is history whether you know it or not and learning about Kvar Bish (the hill where the people lived that we were learning about) was an experience that will definitely stay with me forever. 

We did have the opportunity to crawl through a man made tunnel, but because of the condition of my ankle I decided it probably wasn't the best idea. So I sat above the tunnels just looking over 
Jerusalem. It was beautiful. I took so many pictures. I couldn't believe how amazing everything looked from all the way on top of that hill.


  1. What kinds of things did you find on your dig? I have pottery pieces from when I was there.

  2. That's a fun history class. I wish we would go on adventures like that instead of taking notes for like an hour....haha.
