Saturday, February 1, 2014

The First Shabbat- January 31, 2014

The first Shabbat. What a Shabbat it was. Getting to sleep for four hours after the dig, getting to take a nice long, hot shower, getting all dressed up and pretty, wearing make up for the first time since Sunday. I didn't even mind services at all. It was all so much fun. 

After services and dinner and oneg Shabbat, we had a party. Like a crazy dance party. In a bomb shelter. With Israelis. TURN DOWN FOR WHAT???? It was awesome. Dancing for hours with lights flashing and music blasting. I'm actually surprised I can hear. It was maybe the most fun I've had in months. Then again, I've never actually been to a party like that. I've been to b'nai mitzvot and homecoming but those are nothing in comparison to crazy that was the bomb shelter party. 

Shabbat was super fun and I really don't want to wait another week to have that kind of fun again.


  1. Sounds like an awesome shabbat! Did you get to know any of the Israelis at all? Did anything strike you as being especially "Israeli" about the party? If so, what? Do you think the fact that most of the Israelis who were with you will be going to the army in a few years influences how they act?

  2. Well that party sounded fun with the music and everything. :)
