Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Holy Orientations Batman: January 27-28, 2014

I don't think I have sat through this many orientations in my life. We had so many in just two days. When arriving at Tzuba we went to the lobby (Belmont) and had the principal and vice principal speak to us about everything. Baruch is the principal and David Solomon (DSol) is the vice principal. They both had some very great things to say. None of those things do I remember though. After that we went to our rooms to unpack, I barely unpacked. I was way too lazy. I love all my roommates. Arianna is from Texas, Ilana is from Ohio, and Rachel is from California. They really pick people that don't live anywhere near me. Its perfectly fine though. The rest of the day is honestly a blur.

The next day was truly a day of Orientations. We got one for services, we got one for Jewish History class, we had one for regular classes, we had a tour of the campus. So much learning. It was crazy. But regardless of that today was truly amazing. I learned the history of the Castle at Tzuba, of which I cannot recite back but I can tell you right now my madrichim did not explain it. Another student, Ben Ross one of my new besties, literally knew everything about it. It was pretty impressive. Its a beautiful castle. So many great pictures taken of it. One is below.

I currently love my teachers from first impressions. I am currently taking US History, Chemistry, English 11, Algebra 2 and an ACT prep course. The required classes that I am taking are Jewish History and Hebrew.
I don't think I've ever been so excited to start school. Even if it is for 11 hours a day.

I must go to bed now because it is 11:40 and I must sleep.
Lilah Tov.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about everything. This way I don't have to ask you a million questions. I know you love when I do that.
