Saturday, February 15, 2014

Some Interesting Statistics

So for my Jewish History class, every week we have to read an article and write about our reaction to it on our blog.
The article I was assigned this week was the one below on what drives success.

Its really interesting to see how a persons ethnicity affects their success. The fact that some stereotypes are actually correct about some people is both disturbing and intriguing and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. Being able to succeed based on race isn't something that should be taken lightly. If Asians have a better chance of getting a job than a perfectly able and smart person of any other race JUST because they are Asian is definitely unfair.

Now, that is not the topic of the article, saying one ethnic group has an advantage over another, but that there are recent statistics that "debunk" these stereotypes. I'm just very glad that in today's society people realize that stereotypes are not the truth.

 You can relate that directly to Jews and their stereotypes. Like being good with money, big noses, super religious, greedy, etc. The majority of Jews do not possess these traits. For example, I do not have a big nose, I'm not religious and I'm most definitely NOT good with money.......

If you want an interesting read, I suggest reading this article, its one that I truly enjoyed reading and a topic I really liked learning about.


  1. I would say you are religious. I don't have a big nose because I had it fixed. I'm not good with money and I'm not greedy. I think I'll go read the article.

  2. I agree not all stereo types are true, but some stereo types are good to have.

  3. Thanks for sharing the article. Very interesting!
