Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Update on my ankle

It's sprained. I sprained my ankle. Accidentally landing on a pinecone. How I'm a figure skater with this kind of coordination baffles me. 
What also baffles me is that the medical center at Tzuba told me to just wrap my ankle and it'll feel better soon. I walked around on a sprained ankle for two weeks. Mostly in flip flops which is obviously terrible. 
The hospital gave me a sleeve for my ankle and some exercises to do to strengthen the muscles. They're ones that I've done before so I know how to do them and hopefully it gets better soon. Like very soon. Before Gadna. In three days. 


  1. WWJBD? (What would Jason Brown do?)

  2. You only sprained your ankle. RAISL BROKE THE SAFE!
